The Best CoQ10 The Best CoQ10 supplement is an organic co-enzyme Q10. CoQ10 is one of the most highly researched vitamin supplements or botanical's and has been shown to deliver a wide range of health benefits, including heart protection, cardiovascular enhancement, brain and nervous system enhancement, and natural immune system boosting and protection. Your body's natural production of CoQ10 decreases …
Read More »Best Biotin Supplement
Best Biotin Supplement The Best Biotin Supplement is made from organic sources and is the one your body can fully absorb and use. Chemical forms of biotin don't give you the same benefits as your body can't absorb them properly. Using an organic biotin supplement has so many benefits for your health. Biotin is one of the members of the …
Read More »Organic Oil of Oregano
Organic Oil of Oregano Organic Oil of Oregano is made from the oregano herb plant. Wild Oregano is a flowering plant that has fragrant leaves with a whole lot of health benefits. It is also a spice for Mediterranean and Italian dishes, maybe that's part of the reason why they are so healthy for us. Oil of Oregano is made …
Read More »Organic Valerian Root
Organic Valerian Root When it comes to relaxing your body and mind, nothing can do it better than Organic Valerian Root! There are so many natural health benefits of Valerian root and flower that is it called “all heal” in Indian Ayurvedic medicine. It has powerful natural medicinal properties that allow your mind and body to fully relax so you …
Read More »Aloe Vera Extract
Aloe Vera Extract What is Aloe Vera Extract and how can it help you look and feel better naturally? The Aloe Vera plant and it's uses as a beauty enhancer, protector and health rejuvenation is all through recorded history throughout almost all native cultures on the planet. The earliest known record of of Aloe Vera (aloe Barbadensis) is from ancient …
Read More »Best Milk Thistle Supplement
Best Milk Thistle Supplement Milk Thistle has been used successfully for thousands of years in most ancient cultures to the present day to help feed and restore healthy liver function. In many countries it is used as a “cure-all” and natural remedy for accidental poisoning or illness. It is sacred to a lot of native cultures and is even regarded …
Read More »Best Enzymes for Digestion
Best Enzymes for Digestion What are The Best Enzymes for Digestion? Enzymes are natural substances that your body needs to properly break down the food you eat into nutrients that your body can use as nutrition (healing, and creating new body tissues.) As you age you lose your natural healthy level of digestive enzymes so if you are not getting …
Read More »Hydrochloric Acid Supplement
Hydrochloric Acid Supplement What is the Best Hydrochloric Acid Supplement for Digestion? Hydrochloric Acid or HCL is a natural substance that is essential for proper digestion. You start producing less stomach acid (HCL) and digestive enzymes after you turn 30 years of age and it decreases by about 10% every decade thereafter. When you have an upset stomach, acid indigestion, …
Read More »Omega 3 Supplements
Omega 3 Supplements Omega 3 Supplements can be either from marine sources (like fish oils) or plant sources (flax seed oils.) Omega 3 supplements come in liquid, capsule and pill form. People take fish oil to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes, to treat high triglycerides and high blood pressure, and to improve symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Dietary sources …
Read More »Best Saw Palmetto
Best Saw Palmetto The Best Saw Palmetto comes from tropical climates where saw palmetto palm trees grow natively. Indigenous Americans (Native Americans) from the Seminole tribe in Florida knew about The Saw Palmetto Herb (whole plant) and the very health rich Saw Palmetto Berries. Both are used to make a highly beneficial Saw Palmetto Extract, although it is mostly the …
Read More »Best CLA Supplement
Best CLA Supplement The Best CLA Supplement for weight loss, thyroid health and lean muscle. CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) is a naturally occurring fatty acid, similar to an omega-6 fatty acid but with health benefits for skin and weight loss. It's one of the “good fats,” present in foods such as beef and dairy products, but only in low levels. …
Read More »Cannabinoids
Cannabinoids Cannabinoids are the medicinal active components of cannabis and cannabis extracts like hemp and CBD oils that contain high percentages of cannabidiol (the primary active ingrendient.) There are so many Cannabis Benefits that it would take a whole encyclopedia to list the health benefits of cannabis extracts alone. There are also CBD oils that you can take internally or …
Read More »Best Zeolite Supplement
Best Zeolite Supplement What is the Best Zeolite Supplement? It depends on your individual needs. There are zeolite powders, zeolite liquids, zeolite formulas for whole body detox, radiation and heavy metals removal, antiviral and antimicrobial protection and even cancer prevention and natural treatment. It even helps those dealing with the medical treatment of cancer, with side effects of chemotherapy wiping …
Read More »Ashwagandha Extract
Ashwagandha Extract Ashwagandha Extract is the most potent form of the ashwagandha herb. It is an adaptogenic herb similar to Ginseng or Rhodiola. It is usually ground into a powder or concentration known as Ashwagandha Extract. The biological name for Ashwagandha is Withania Somnifera. It is an all around body tonic that can prevent stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, …
Read More »Tart Cherry Extract
Tart Cherry Extract Tart Cherry Extract for Gout and Arthritis is one of the oldest and most successful ways to reduce the uric acid in your kidneys to prevent gout pain. It is the most bio-active type used for healing purposes. It is a flowering plant that produces beautiful bright cherry blossom flowers on the top of the cherry trees. …
Read More »Black and Blue Cohosh
Black and Blue Cohosh What's the difference between Black and Blue Cohosh? Most people would probably think they were from the same family of plant because of the name and benefits, but they're actually from different plant families. The roots of both blue and black cohosh are considered highly beneficial healing herbs used for centuries by the Native Americans. Both …
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