Best Iron Supplement
Iron is important for brain and heart health. Choosing the Best Iron Supplement for Women and Men and to prevent Anemia can help you live life on your terms. It can help you perform better on the job as well as during physical fitness exercises or sporting events. It is highly critical during pregnancy, since it is necessary for proper brain and heart development. About 30% of the population are deficient in iron.
Low iron levels can lead to anemia and low energy. You can get iron from eating certain foods but it can be hard to assimilate or digest from plant sources. That's why supplementation is so important for iron. You want to make sure you keep this mineral in proper balance for optimum health and performance.
What Does Iron Do For Your Body?
So What Does Iron do for Your Body? Elemental iron is a critical mineral for your body. Hemoglobin is major part of your red blood cells (RBC) that uses iron to transport oxygen throughout your body so it can produce energy and cellular respiration (so your cells can breathe and live.) Oxygen (O2) is essential for the life of every cell in your body and natural iron helps it be delivered where it is needed.
Your cells use this oxygen to bring in nutrients and take out toxins and Co2. Iron deficiency was rare in the past but since the 1970's it has become more common. It is probably because of lack of nutrients and minerals in the soils your food is grown in. Chemical forms of iron can block absorption of organic iron sources, so choose a natural organic iron source (show at the bottom of this page) so you help your body be healthy as possible for the long term.
Symptoms of Iron Deficiency
What is iron deficiency and what are the Symptoms of Iron Deficiency? Iron deficiency is a physical condition from having too little iron in your body. Actually iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency in the whole world and the #1501 cause of anemia in the United States. Over 2 billion people in the world are iron deficient. Here are the most common signs of iron deficiency:
- Shortness of Breath
- Feeling Irritable for No Reason
- Becoming Easily Impatient
- Feeling Tired or Lethargic
- Trouble Sleeping (Chronic Insomnia)
- Muscle Twitching (Particularly Restless Leg Syndrome)
- Not Feeling Like Eating or Strange Cravings
- Feeling Brain Dead or Lack of Energy
- Frequent Headaches
- Dizziness or Nausea
- Sore Tongue
Most of these symptoms of iron deficiency anemia for women and pregnancy in particular, are because your body being starved of oxygen because of low iron content in your blood. You can feel better almost immediately by adding iron rich foods to your diet and adding a non-toxic form of iron supplement that is easily absorbable. Doing these two things can help balance your iron levels and prevent iron deficiency anemia.
Health Benefits of Iron
What are the most common Health Benefits of Iron? Supplemental iron is critical to energy, mental and physical tasks require a lot of available oxygen to think clearly and act energetically. Here is what taking iron can do for you:
- Increase Oxygen Levels In Your Body
- Helps Brain and Nervous System
- Helps You Breathe Easier
- Prevents and Reverses Anemia
- Helps Cure Insomnia
- Boosts Your Immune System
- Boosts Your Energy Levels and Metabolism
- Boosts Mental Clarity
- Helps Stop Restless Leg Syndrome
- Improves Athletic Performance
- Improves Cardiovascular Health
Boost your iron intake and you will get a health boost you can feel. Iron comes in many different sources, animal proteins, particularly red meats, and plant sources (vegan iron or vegetarian iron.)
Types of Iron Supplements
What are the Best Types of Iron Supplements? Supplemental iron comes in two main forms; heme iron and non-heme iron. The heme refers to hemoglobin, the nutrient that makes your red blood cells look red. The type of iron supplements you choose to consume can be plant based (non heme iron) or animal based (heme iron.) You can get dietary iron from either animal or plant sources, or Heme vs Non Heme Iron sources.
Both forms can be organic or chemical based. Plant based are usually easiest to absorb and are easiest to find organic, so that is the preferred type of iron in almost all cases. Iron is critical to your blood cells and how oxygen gets to all cells and organs in your body.
Heme vs Non Heme Iron
So what is the difference between Heme vs Non Heme Iron in foods and supplements? Heme iron comes from animal sources, particularly red meats and organ meats. It can be highly absorbable if it comes from animals who eat natural foods (grass fed, pasture raised) without added chemicals, pesticides, hormones and antibiotics, which do more harm to your body (and theirs) than good.
Non heme iron sources are vegan or plant sources. These are easily absorbed when organically grown and produced and taken with other foods that give a provide a whole meal and nutritional balance. Balance is key for maximum absorption, so good food combining, health proteins with healthy fats and quality carbohydrates will help your body get the most out of it all.
Good Food Sources of Iron
If you are consuming animal proteins, make sure you go for quality not quantity. The quality and absorbability of it depends on the quality of the meat you consume. Factory farmed animal products contain lower levels of absorbable iron and other nutrients, and usually contain toxic heavy metals, antibiotics, hormones and other things that can really sap your health and physical appearance. Good Food Sources of Iron are organic based, organically grown, pesticide free and if from animal sources, pasture raised and grass fed. It is not only better for you, but is better for our whole planet.
I'm sure you're aware of Popeye getting his strength after eating a can of spinach (and yes, back then it was organic and all health promoting). Well spinach, chia seeds, kale, Medicinal Mushrooms, spirulina and tomatoes are great ways to increase your iron levels and prevent anemia symptoms from ever slowing you down. Add red fruits and vegetables to your diet and add some thyme, echinacea and fulvic acid to boost your iron absorption to prevent anemic conditions.
Vegan Iron Supplement
If you're health conscious then choosing the best non heme iron supplement is a no brainer. You can get a high quality non heme vegan iron supplement with maximum absorption levels in a formula that is gentle on your stomach. Ionic Iron is a natural Vegan Iron Supplement from 100% pure vegan sources of iron that gives your body the absorbable iron it needs to keep you healthy, active and alert for whatever you need to accomplish in your life.
Iron Fuzion is a natural source of iron. It is the best iron supplement for anemia and to help pregnancy. It is a non-heme iron source that is completely organic and able to be fully absorbed. You can actually feel the difference if you have low levels of iron in your blood!
Ionic Iron
Ionic Iron is an Organic Iron Supplement from natural plant sources. Ionic Iron works best in your body in a way that is easy on your stomach and floods your body with healthy iron for increased oxygen levels and sustained energy levels. Ionic Iron is a pure natural iron supplement that uses organic iron extracts that have immense health benefits and absorb-ability levels.
Ionic Iron will keep you free from getting anemic, and boost your immune system. Feel it naturally increase your energy levels (mind and body) and lift the brain fog and lethargy you may be feeling when iron deficient. It can even improve you skin tone because of the increased availability of oxygen to your skin (your largest organ.) For more information on how to get this vegan source iron supplement blend see: Ionic Iron.